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About this website

I have been collecting vintage records for some 20 years and have only more recently began experimenting with noise reduction. If your collection is anything like mine, many of your favourite recordings will be far from mint condition yet personally worth the effort. This web site aims to provide a range of approaches to help in the noise reduction process by addressing many of the issues I have experienced.

As the site content grows it will cover various approaches I have tried, the outcomes and what to look for that aid in the noise reduction of a recording. Hopefully my experiences go a long way in helping you out as well. If you have other approaches, tips and tricks you would like to share with others on this web site then please drop me a line at so they may be included. I look forward to hearing and sharing your experiences.

On another note, whilst the examples in this web site have been derived using Diamond Cut’s latest restoration software (DC8.1), you will be able to achieve similar results utilising earlier versions (DC5 – 7.5) with the exception of the ability to use some missing filters.